How is Care Management Value Chain Contributing To Better Healthcare | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Every day, providers face the daunting task of managing complex patient populations while ensuring optimal outcomes. The traditional care management approach, often manual and time-consuming, can be inefficient and prone to errors. This is where the Care Management Value Chain comes into play, offering a structured framework to streamline processes, improve patient care, and enhance operational efficiency.
Care Management Value Chain | Understanding The Basics
It is a systematic approach encompassing various stages in managing patient care. It typically includes:
Identification: Identifying patients at risk of adverse health outcomes or escalating costs.
Stratification: Categorizing patients based on their needs and prioritizing care accordingly.
Engagement: Actively involving patients in their care journey and improving adherence.
Management: Coordinating care, addressing gaps, and ensuring timely interventions.


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